Episode Summary:
Jennifer Short is the owner of Camano Island Honey. She was a veterinarian for 20 years with large herd animals. She discovered bees and her “retirement” career has kept her a busy bee.
Key Points of Interest:
- Where did Jennifer Short start?
- When did she get started with animals?
- What was her original profession?
- What was Jennifer’s education the second time around?
- Where did she study abroad at?
- When she lived in Colorado, what was she doing during that time?
- Hear more about the farming community and why it is so important
- How did Jennifer hear about Camano Island?
- How did Jennifer get started with bees?
- How many colonies does Jennifer now maintain?
- What type of honey bees does she manage?
- Find out the challenges that honey beekeepers have to handle
- Who is the culprit of most of these challenges?
- What is the state of honey bees in America?
- Find out what a dearth is
Camano Island Locations Mentioned in this Episode: